Best Kidney Transplant Doctor in Aurangabad


When it comes to kidney transplantation, selecting the best doctor is of utmost importance for a successful procedure and improved postoperative outcomes. In Aurangabad, Dr Sachin Soni stands out as the leading expert in kidney transplants. With his exceptional qualifications, extensive expertise, and compassionate approach, Dr Sachin Soni has earned the reputation of being the best kidney transplant doctor in Aurangabad.

What is Kidney Transplant

When it comes to kidney transplantation, selecting the best doctor is of utmost importance for a successful procedure and improved postoperative outcomes. In Aurangabad, Dr Sachin Soni stands out as the leading expert in kidney transplants. With his exceptional qualifications, extensive expertise, and compassionate approach, Dr Sachin Soni has earned the reputation of being the best kidney transplant doctor in Aurangabad.

Kidney Transplant

A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that involves replacing a diseased or failed kidney with a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor.

Why is Kidney Transplant Done

Kidney transplant is done to treat end-stage renal disease (ESRD), where the kidneys are no longer able to function adequately. It offers a chance for improved quality of life and eliminates the need for dialysis.

Risk Factors of Kidney Transplant

  • Rejection: The recipient’s immune system may recognize the transplanted kidney as foreign and attack it, leading to rejection.
  • Infection: The use of immunosuppressive medications to prevent rejection can increase the risk of infections.
  • Surgical complications: Like any surgery, a kidney transplant carries risks such as bleeding, infection, and blood clots.
  • Side effects of medications: Immunosuppressive drugs may have side effects like increased susceptibility to infections, high blood pressure, and bone thinning.
  • Long-term complications: These may include the development of diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.
  • Donor complications: Living donors may experience surgical complications or long-term effects from kidney donation.

Why Choose Dr Sachin Soni for Kidney Transplant?

Choose Dr. Sachin Soni for a kidney transplant:

  • Expertise & Qualifications: Highly qualified and experienced.
  • Extensive Training: Trained in renowned institutions.
  • Track Record: Successful kidney transplants.
  • Comprehensive Care: Personalized support at every stage.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Advanced medical infrastructure.
  • Compassionate Approach: Patient-centered care.
  • Collaborative Care: Skilled multidisciplinary team.
  • Patient Testimonials: Satisfied patients’ positive experiences.

Patient Testimonial

prashit wagh
prashit wagh
I have undergone a remarkable improvement in my health while being under the treatment of Dr. Sachin Soni, a best kidney disease expert in Aurangabad. Dr. Soni's proficiency, comprehensive approach, and unwavering commitment to enhancing patient outcomes have been priceless in aiding me through my recovery process.
amol butte
amol butte
Ajinkya Thakur
Ajinkya Thakur
Very Good Experience in Medicover Hospital and services was great
komal deshmukh
komal deshmukh
Khandelwal Surabhi
Khandelwal Surabhi
Ravikumar Ipper
Ravikumar Ipper
Vijay Chormale
Vijay Chormale
umesh machale
umesh machale
Shriram Bharskar
Shriram Bharskar
chetan rathi
chetan rathi
Best Nephrologist and Kidney Transplant physician in the city as well as Marathwada Region. Very patient friendly person, doing genuine ethical practice for more than a decade now. He has a huge experience and special interest in AV Fistula surgery. Always ready to help patients in whatever way he can, with thousands of dialysis perfomed under his guidance.👍👍

Frequently Asked Questions

The duration of a kidney transplant surgery can vary depending on various factors, but it typically lasts between 3 to 4 hours.

The recovery period after a kidney transplant can vary for each individual, but it generally involves a hospital stay of about 5 to 10 days. The complete recovery process may take several weeks to months.

Like any surgical procedure, kidney transplant surgery carries certain risks, which can include surgical complications, infection, bleeding, organ rejection, and side effects from immunosuppressive medications.

Individuals interested in becoming kidney donors can start by contacting a transplant centre or hospital. The evaluation process involves medical, psychological, and compatibility assessments to determine eligibility for donation.

The longevity of a transplanted kidney can vary among individuals. On average, a transplanted kidney from a deceased donor may function for around 10 to 15 years, while a kidney from a living donor may have a longer lifespan.


The waiting time for a kidney transplant can vary widely depending on factors such as blood type compatibility, availability of suitable donors, and the recipient’s medical urgency. It can range from several months to years.

Alternatives to kidney transplant include dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) to artificially filter waste and excess fluid from the blood. However, a kidney transplant is often considered the preferred long-term treatment option.

Insurance coverage for kidney transplant surgery can vary depending on the specific insurance plan. It is advisable to consult with your insurance provider to understand the coverage details and any associated costs.